The Perception of Limitations


As my business grows and evolves, I constantly make tweaks and changes to ensure that I am doing what I love and that everything flows smoothly energetically. When I noticed recently that there were many people struggling financially it caused me to review my pricing. Am I still congruent with my fees? Are they too much for people to afford? And when I asked for guidance on this, I received a clear and simple message from my guides: Don’t limit yourself because you see limitation in others.

It made me think about how we often do this in so many areas of our lives. We make ourselves less than we truly are. We forget that while there are many who struggle financially there are also many who have wealth and abundance. When we focus on what people lack, we lower our vibration to match them instead of being who we are and listening to our own awareness. The energy of us being who we are is what inspires others to rise up and go beyond their struggles and limitations.

This doesn’t mean that we can’t help other people, it means to be aware of when we compromise ourselves to accommodate them. When we help someone from a place of simply being a contribution without the need to rescue them, we can empower others to live more fulfilling and abundant lives.

Take a moment to consider where you limit yourself based on those around you. What would it take for you to change this? Are you willing to go beyond their limitations and shine your light in the world? The time is now to facilitate change on the planet. If you are reading this, you know that you came here for a reason. You came to inspire others, to lead the way to a new era of consciousness, and to bring about a world that lives in greater peace, awareness and harmony.

It takes each one of us as individuals contributing to the whole in our own unique way to create the changes we desire to bring about on this planet. To do that we must be true to ourselves and in so doing we will attract the people and circumstances that resonate with that higher vibration and become the beacon that guides and inspires others to do the same.

Shine your light and heed the wisdom of my guides: don’t limit yourself because you see limitation in others.

Until next time, beautiful beings . . .

Keryn Lee

Keryn Lee is a professional Theta Healing Practitioner and Instructor who offers Private Sessions and training to people who are ready to create phenomenal change in their health and their lives. Sessions available In Person, Online or Phone. Book Now on 0408 857 620 or Visit website:  

What Is Your Body Trying To Tell You?


What does that pain in your shoulder mean? Why does your back ache? Why do you get headaches or viruses or dis-ease?

The body is a remarkable organism that performs myriad functions in every moment to keep us breathing, releasing toxins, assimilating food, absorbing nutrients and so on. This all happens without us giving it a second thought – unless something interrupts the balance and we experience pain or dis-function in some area.

The body is never attacking you, it never lets you down and it never fails you. It is always doing its best to maintain homeostasis – even if at times it appears otherwise.

As a healer part of my job is to connect with bodies and intuitively interpret these imbalances. I tune in into the consciousness of the cells, sense the energy of the blood, listen to the messages from the bones etc. And I know that every part of the body is doing its best to support you at all times.

Some time ago I attended an Intuitive Anatomy Advanced Theta Healing training and, with Theta being one of my favourite healing modalities, I was in total bliss for three full weeks! Each day we investigated and “spoke with” a different system of the body, the respiratory system, the endocrine system, the skeletal system and so on, and this allowed me to gain an even deeper connection with all aspects of the body.

I saw how light and giggly and joyful the bones are, and how strong and powerful the muscles are, and how rushed and busy the blood is – it didn’t have much time to pause and talk! As I connected with each part of the body it told me something it wanted me to know, and that was “how IT was the most important system in the body”, which after a few days became incredibly funny because of course they are all equally important! That sense of importance came from each part of the body being totally proud of its unique task and its desire to perform its function to the absolute best of its ability.

So with this in mind, why would a body create pain and illness?

Quite simply, it’s the body’s way to give you information and because it doesn’t speak in words (unfortunately) so it gives us subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) messages.

  • The feet may have something to do with your direction in life, feeling stuck or getting cold feet.
  • The legs may speak to moving forward, feeling unsupported and flexibility in life.
  • The shoulders may indicate stress, burdens, responsibilities or lack of joy.
  • A virus can relate to having to fight for what you want in life or feeling attacked.

These imbalances come about because of the underlying belief systems and the thoughts, energies and emotions that we take on as we go about our daily lives. The body tries to bring our awareness to this, however, most people have become very good at ignoring these messages because we are not taught as children to have this level of self-awareness and self-care.

When your body is speaking to you, why not stop and listen – sit quietly, breathe deeply, imagine turning on a switch that gives you access to your full awareness so that you, the infinite being, can be totally present with any imbalance you may have.

Then ask some questions:

  • Body, what do you want me to know?
  • What am I not acknowledging that is causing this?
  • How can I change this?
  • Is this energy mine or someone else’s?
  • What else is possible here?

Just be present in that space and allow any insights and awareness to flow to you, and even if you feel like you’re not getting it, just continue to be present because the insights will come – most often when you least expect it. You are not seeking answers, you are opening up your awareness. There is a difference and one requires hard work and frustration, the other requires total trust in yourself.

Then thank and honour your body for the amazing job it does as each cell goes about its own particular task that keeps you alive. Even when cells appear to go rogue and “attack” the immune system they actually think they are doing the right thing and can be quite shocked to learn otherwise.

Remember, your body always has your back. It responds to the energies and consciousness in your world, and it can help you gain so much insight into your life if you listen to its whispers.

Until next time, beautiful beings . . .

Keryn Lee

Keryn Lee is an Energy Healer, Tarot Reader and Empowerment Teacher. She offers transformational Private Sessions and Programs to clients who are ready to create phenomenal change in their lives. She helps healers and other soul-based entrepreneurs create successful, authentic businesses. Sessions available In Person, Online or Phone. Book Now on 0408 857 620 or Visit website: 

Are you putting YOU into what you Do?


Many people go about life in a haze of unconscious behaviour they have been entrained into since childhood: get up, go to work, get paid, go to sleep, rinse and repeat. Among all of this we fall in love, buy houses, have children, pay bills, go to the beach and myriad other things that make up our lives, but how many of us are truly happy and deeply fulfilled?

Now, it’s true that some people don’t question this. They just put one foot after the other and live in a glorious haze of unconsciousness until they die. Yet some of us seek something greater. We know deep down that we are here to serve others and make a difference in the world in our own unique way – whether we know what looks like or not.

I speak with many people who have this inner desire but don’t know how to bring that desire out and make it flourish. They doubt their abilities and knowledge. They find excuses to prevent themselves taking that first step, saying things like: I need a degree for that, I don’t have enough money to get started, I need to have a proper job to pay the bills and so on. There are others who procrastinate and distract themselves by being too busy with other things, continually starting something but never finishing it, or putting others before their own needs.

One of the simplest ways I have found to help people start making this transition into creating the life they desire from where they are now, without the overwhelm and panic that is sometimes associated with change is this:

Start putting YOU into what you do.

What does that mean? It means to start being mindful of everything you do each day – whether you are washing dishes, going to a job you hate, raising children or trying to find work. Slow down, become more conscious of your actions and the energy you BE in each moment.

You are an Infinite Being. You have choice about how you go about your life. If the big changes are too daunting right now just focus on BEING YOU and as you do that you are adding your unique energy to every part of your life. You will be amazed at how much this shifts your energy and starts to attract more magic into your life.

Try this now:

  • Take some slow deep breaths into your belly. Acknowledge that you are here in this reality, that you are present and willing to be YOU as much as possible throughout this day.
  • Expand your energy out to really get a sense of you, the Infinite Being. Feel your connection to all things and the vastness of who you really are.
  • Lower all your barriers, all the doubts and fears, judgements and expectations, all the resistance and reactions, just let it all drop away.
  • Ask: Universe, show me some magic and new possibilities today.

Start every day with this small practice and then revisit it as often as possible throughout the day – as you prepare breakfast, pay bills, drive to work, interact with others, clean the house, and so on. It’s so simple you can do it anywhere.

As you start to slow down and become more aware you come to see that everything you do is a choice, and even if you are doing something you don’t like right now, HOW you approach what you do is what matters. If you do it from a space of resentment, victimhood, powerlessness and thinking that you don’t have a choice then that is what you create more of in your life. If you start to be more present and acknowledge that this is just what you are choosing right now, you bring yourself out of that powerlessness and into a world of possibilities.

When you put YOU into what you do, you also contribute to the people around you. They will feel more at ease and be inspired by your energy. The more you do this each day, the more it becomes a habit, and the more you will start to attract new possibilities into your life that resonate with who you truly are. You will also feel a deeper sense of inner peace and fulfilment because you are acknowledging WHERE you are at right now (without judgement), you are acknowledging WHO you are, and you are acknowledging that you have CHOICE.

Go ahead; take the first breath right now. You’ve got this!

Until next time, Beautiful Beings . . .

Keryn Lee
Contact Keryn to Book A Private Session

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Keryn Lee is a Healing Practitioner, Life Coach and Intuitive Consultant. She offers transformational Private Sessions and Programs to clients who are ready to create phenomenal change in their lives. Sessions available In Person, Online or Phone. Book Now on 0408 857 620 or Visit website: 

Are You Doing What You Love?


We all have unique talents and abilities, a “superpower” or gift that we came here to share with others. It may be that you make jewellery, or do healing work, or have a talent for communicating and supporting others. Yet so often I see these talents minimised, made unimportant, pushed aside for the supposed security that comes from a mundane job or so people do not have to take action for fear of failure.

You may think:

  • What I do is not very interesting/important/special
  • I’m not good enough at it
  • Others do it better than me
  • I could never make enough money from that
  • I don’t know what my talents are

This comes from the mind chatter that keeps us in our comfort zone and the energetic imbalances we have taken on throughout our lives that keep us functioning from a limited reality.

What if you could change this, starting right now? What if you started by seeing yourself in a new light – without judgement or expectation – just honouring you for being here and shining your light in the world?

What if you woke up every day and asked,

“Universe, what contribution can I be to the world today?”

And what if you allowed the universe to gift back to you?

We know that if we keep doing the same thing over and over we will get the same result. Yet too often we are unwilling to do what is required to make a change. We can begin by asking a question like the one above. A question invites new possibilities. Ask and you shall receive.

What if you woke up smiling because each day you were doing what you love, and you felt so fulfilled and you recognised that you had so much to gift to others. Would that be a contribution to your life and to the world?

Would you be willing to step up and step out of the comfort zone and be your best self?

The world is waiting for you.

Until next time, Beautiful Beings . . .

Keryn Lee
Contact Keryn to Book A Private Session

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Keryn Lee is a Healing Practitioner and Intuitive Consultant. She offers transformational Private Sessions and Programs to clients who are ready to create phenomenal change in their lives. Sessions available In Person, Online or Phone. Book Now on 0408 857 620 or Visit website: 

The Universe Has Your Back

universe 2

Do you know that the Universe has your back, totally, unequivocally, eternally and without a shred of judgement?

You can pick the most damaged person you can find to be in a relationship with, you can blow all your money at the casino, you can make the dumbest choices imaginable and the Universe says, “That’s what you want? No problem, I’ve got your back, Babe!”

It will support your choice for poverty or wealth, or happiness or sadness, for health or sickness.

It will also support you when you choose to create change in your life. When you say, “No more unhealthy relationships, no more gambling, no more sadness, I’m having something different! Once again, the Universe says, “That’s what you want? No problem, I’ve got your back, Babe!”

And it does so without judgement. Not one bit.

What if we could all have our own backs? What if we could have that level of support for ourselves? What if, no matter what choices we made, we did not judge the rightness or wrongness of it all?

In truth, there are no right or wrong choices; there are just choices that lead to experiences that lead to awareness that lead to more choices. This allows us to adjust our course and discover what works for us and what doesn’t.

If we approach everything in our lives in the same way the universe does – total support and no judgement – how much more ease would we create?

There could be no blame, shame, regret or guilt because these things come from judgement. There could be no sense of wrongness or not being good enough because this too comes from judgement.

If you did not judge yourself just for today, what else might be possible in your world? What ease and joy might you create? What gratefulness might you have for yourself and the world around you?

And what if you chose to not judge yourself again tomorrow? And the day after.

If you knew you could never be wrong what would you choose? And how much more would you value yourself? Perhaps today could be the day that you choose to step out of judgement and totally have your own back, and be assured that the universe will say, “That’s what you want? No problem, I’ve got your back, Babe!”

Until next time, Beautiful Beings . . .

Keryn Lee
Contact Keryn to Book A Private Session

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Keryn Lee is an Intuitive Consultant and Healing Practitioner. She offers transformational Private Sessions and Programs to clients who are ready to create phenomenal change in their lives. Sessions available In Person, Online or Phone. Book Now on 0408 857 620 or Visit website: 

Are you Committed to your Life?

back door

Are you truly committed to your life or do you have “back doors” and “escape routes”? I know that sounds unusual, however, if we are not truly committed to being here and committed to life and living we create all types of dis-harmony in our lives.

When we have experienced pain and suffering, when we have endured trauma and life’s difficulties we often give up hope and think that leaving would be easier. For some leaving may mean death, for others it may mean walking out on something, it depends on the situation. Resorting to an escape route is a way to avoid dealing with what is going on below the surface and at some level believing that we don’t have choice or the ability to change it.

Let’s look at the situation of chronic pain. Those who have suffered intense continual pain will know that there are moments when you are in that pain when dying may seem like the best option. Especially if you have tried over and over to “fix” the problem and nothing seems to work.

In my own life, pain was an issue for me and when I became aware of thinking that “dying would be easier”, I closed all my back doors and made a commitment to myself and to my life. I decided that no matter what happened, no matter how much pain, I would stay and be present in my life and not use pain as an excuse to avoid living.

Interestingly, this changed the situation dramatically, because I was willing to do whatever it takes to be present in my life. I was no longer energetically standing with one foot out the door in case things got so bad that I needed to escape.

While I hadn’t realised I had been doing this, and I certainly didn’t want to die, this energy had been running in the background. This is understandable when you consider how many lifetimes we have had where dying or escaping may have actually been the best option, and I wonder how much of that energy we still function from today.

Are your back doors open? Are you looking for an escape to avoid fully living your life?

You can choose to change this. Simply imagine closing all your back doors and choosing to be present in your life. Choose that no matter what shows up you will commit to life and living whatever that means. The shift this creates is quite amazing.

Until next time, Beautiful Beings . . .

Keryn Lee
Contact Keryn to Book A Private Session

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Keryn Lee is an Intuitive Consultant and Healing Practitioner. She offers transformational Private Sessions to clients who are ready to create phenomenal change in their lives. Sessions available In Person, Online or Phone. Book Now on 0408 857 620 or Visit website: 

Did you come here to Change the World?


I don’t know about you, but I came here to change the world. Chances are, if you’re reading this, so did you. Changing the world doesn’t always look like we think it should. We are not necessarily all supposed to be messiah-like individuals who go around healing people or grabbing newspaper headlines for our charitable deeds or inventing new technologies that save millions of lives. It’s the contribution that we each offer through being who we are that adds to the whole and creates the change.

It may be as simple as offering a smile, the touch of your hand, you’re willingness to say no when others place expectations on you, your generosity of spirit, your laughter and joy that is felt by others and ripples out into the world. We don’t always know whose lives we touch and we don’t always receive praise or recognition but we impact other people’s lives far more than we give ourselves credit for. It’s about Being You in the world and that is what inspires others. As you go beyond your limitations, as you become willing to create change in your life you highlight a path for others to do the same.

We live in a world we it can be easy to get stuck and believe the lies of this reality. We may think that change is impossible, that we’re not good enough or we must be doing something wrong because our lives are not everything we would like them to be. So often we put up with a mundane reality because we fear change and at a deeper level we are aware of the courage required to break free of the hold this reality has on us. It’s so comfortable and familiar, we get to pretend we fit in with everyone else who is not choosing consciousness and it becomes increasingly uncomfortable. To play this game of make-believe we must hide our unique gifts and capacities, we hide our potency and magic and we show the world a diluted version of ourselves – until one day we realise that nothing will change, not personally or globally, until we choose something different.

When you are willing to step beyond that discomfort and leave behind those who are not choosing consciousness you will start to see a different reality. You will see how much you have been hiding and how much you actually have to offer the world.

Did you know that within the things you struggle with the most lie your true potencies and magic? The problems you create are a brilliant disguise to keep you limited and living in the mundane world. Do you have money issues? What if you are actually hiding an amazing capacity that you have with money? Do you have health challenges? What if you are disguising a brilliance that you have to perceive energy in other people’s bodies? Do you have relationship problems? What if under that pretence is an ability to interact and connect with people because you can see beyond their human complaints to the potency of the infinite being?

What unique capacities and abilities do YOU have that could change your world and the lives of others if you were willing to step beyond your current reality?

I have met so many people who seek to find their “purpose” in life which does nothing but cause them to chase their tails trying to find what they are “supposed” to be doing. It makes them feel wrong for not having a purpose and it’s all a brilliant lie to prevent them from actually being aware of the gifts and capacities they already have and are choosing not to utilise.  If you can relate to this why not stop the game of chasing some elusive purpose and start asking each day “What gift am I to the world?” and “What unique capacities could I now be using?” The universe will be delighted to show you.

Until next time, Beautiful Beings . . .

Keryn Lee
Contact Keryn to Book A Private Session

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Keryn Lee is an Intuitive Consultant and Healing Practitioner. She offers transformational Private Sessions to clients who are ready to create phenomenal change in their lives. Sessions available In Person, Online or Phone. Book Now on 0408 857 620 or Visit website: 

What does your Body want you to Know?




What messages is your body sending you? Do you have pain, illness, disease or physical problems?

If so, your body is speaking to you and too often we do not listen, or we pretend we don’t speak the same language.

The body begins with a whisper and will turn up the intensity in a bid to gain our attention. Some of us will ignore the messages and insist that our illness or pain is random, bad luck or a challenge sent from God/Universe. Others buy into judgmental points of view, focus on the wrongness of their bodies and try to find solutions to “fix” the so called problem. We do this until we discover a better way . . .

What if your body was simply asking you to listen?

What is your body telling you right now?

Do you have pain? An illness? Tingling and lightness? What awareness does your body have that you are not acknowledging? This doesn’t mean to try and figure it out, you’ve tried that already, right? It means to ask questions without seeking an answer.

Each day say Hi to your body and ask: Body, what do you know?

In so doing, you’re inviting more awareness to show up without expectation or time limits.

One day, after asking this question for a few days, I came across one of those big exercise balls at a friend’s house. When I sat on it my body tingled and was letting me know that this ball was a contribution to it in some way. So I bought my own and I use it to sit on when I am at my computer and sometimes during healing sessions. It allows my body to make micro-movements or stretch if required instead of sitting still all the time. (I asked and my body responded.)

In my work as a healing practitioner I see a multitude of physical complaints and over the years have experienced some of my own. I have learned how to ‘speak’ to bodies and teach my clients to do the same so that they can start listening to their body’s messages and create the space for infinite change.

While many of you know I work with Theta Healing and Access Bars as my two main modalities, you may not be aware that I also incorporate Access Body Processes into my sessions. There are over 60 of them and they are “hands on” energetic body processes that invite the body to heal itself. Since there’s too many to mention here I will share about just one of them:

Cellular Memory
This body process is great for scar tissue, anywhere you have had operations, accidents, broken bones and any trauma to the body. It literally unlocks the trauma in the cellular memory so the cell can return to it’s natural state. This creates so much more ease in the body as well as a space for healing.

I have used body processes with clients for things like the effects of radiation therapy, the aftermath of surgery, specific illnesses, eye problems, vertigo, fatigue, pain, detoxing, childbirth and much more, as well as for the pure joy that bodies experience when receiving a body process – there doesn’t have to be anything “wrong” to benefit from a session – and I have learned one thing:

Bodies LOVE Body Processes!
They lean in, and my hands seem to get stuck and don’t want to move because the body is so happy to be receiving such kindness and healing that it doesn’t want the session to end.

Too often our bodies are treated unkindly, they are judged and ridiculed, they are ignored and abused – and often we are the worst offenders. What would it be like to change that? What would it be like for your body to:

  • receive kindness and gratitude
  • be in a space of no judgment
  • get its energy flowing freely again
  • release pain and trauma and stuck energies
  • heal and rejuvenate at a cellular level
  • know that you are learning to listen to its whispers

No matter what you and your body have experienced in the past, or what you are going through right now, it can be changed. You can learn how to be aware of your body’s whispers and nuances so you can create a relationship that contributes to your whole life in the most amazing ways.

Body, what magic can you be today? 

I have a Special Offer for you and your body:
Book a series of 5 Body Process Sessions and Get One for FREE!
(Pay for 4 and get the 5th free!)
Book Now! Offer expires on June 15th, 2017

Body, would this be a contribution to you?

Most importantly, ask questions, you’ll be surprised at the wisdom of your body and also its willingness to be in partnership with you.
Until next time, Beautiful Beings . . .

Keryn Lee
Contact Keryn to Book A Single Session or a 5 Pack!

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Keryn Lee is an Intuitive Consultant and Healing Practitioner. She offers transformational Private Sessions to clients who are ready to create phenomenal change in their lives. Sessions available In Person, Online or Phone. Book Now on 0408 857 620 or

What Torment are you Living?



I know that there are so many of you out there who face some sort of torment every day – whether it’s depression, abuse, illness, pain or suffering of any sort. Or perhaps you dream of a better life that you have no idea how to achieve because most often you are just going through the motions trying to survive let alone figuring out how to actually excel!

Let me share a story from many years ago when I was in my late twenties. I suffered from severe eating disorders and depression, I was stuck in a job that I hated, and I felt incapable of changing my life. Every day was a living hell which I seemed to spiral deeper and deeper into each day.

Things got so dire that before I went to sleep each night I would pray that I would die during the night, then each morning as I peeled my eyes open and realised that I was still alive I would cry from the utter despair of having to face another tormenting day.

Somewhere, buried deep inside was the tiniest sliver of awareness that something different was possible, which is probably why I am still here to tell this story, and with each gradual step forward I became the change that I wanted to see in this world so that I could inspire others to do the same.

I am grateful for this experience because I know that from that deepest, darkest place where I saw no hope, I changed my reality, and you can too.

It may help to look at this from a bit different perspective:

Everything is Energy

As an energy healer I have always been fascinated with life from an energetic point of view. For example, a table is energy, our bodies are energy, a thought is energy, in fact, Science tells us that everything is energy!

If you observe the structure of an atom through a microscope you will see small vortices of energy, and if you look closer you observe a physical void. An atom has no physical structure and therefore physical things really don’t have any physical structure! They are 99.9999% space. This means that everything you think is solid and real is not – including your pain, your relationships, your illnesses, your job, your emotions, your beliefs, and anything else – it’s all just energy. Therefore wherever you think you are stuck and cannot change it’s actually not true.

In saying this, I’m not trying to negate your experiences; I’m inviting you to look at them in a different way. Instead of buying into stories, judgments, beliefs and points of view that make our problems seem significant and unchangeable, what if we were willing to expand into the infinite possibilities available to us for change.

Getting Started

  • Take some slow deep breaths and expand your energy out a hundred thousand miles in all directions. Then expand even more, and even more. You will notice your body starts to open up and feel lighter. The energy is no longer contracted and you open up space for more possibilities to show up. (When we struggle, have pain or try to figure things out we contract the energy.)
  • Stop buying the story. Every time you tell someone about your pain or suffering, every time you blame your parents or circumstances you are recycling an old story. How’s that working for you? I know one thing, it certainly won’t create change, it will keep you stuck in a no choice universe. So, why not choose something different? Eg. Instead of saying “I always have disastrous relationships” say: “Up until now I have had disastrous relationships, today I choose to have loving relationships that contribute to me, my body and my life”.
  • Ask questions instead of trying to find answers and figure out solutions. This will open up doors of possibility that you cannot currently see and it invites the Universe to support you. Asking questions is one of the most powerful ways to start creating change.

When you ask a question, don’t go looking for the answer. Just allow the awareness or possibility to show up when it shows up. Here’s a few questions to try out:

  • What else is possible? (My favourite for all situations.)
  • What awareness can I have about this?
  • What questions can I ask about this?
  • What would it take to change this?

Notice that these questions are an invitation for more awareness and possibilities. Questions like “why does this always happen to me?” are conclusions with a question mark at the end and they are not expansive or inviting.

Asking Questions is an amazing tool from Access Consciousness and if I had used such a tool in my late twenties I would have dealt with depression and eating disorders in a very different way. I can see how I bought the story and played the victim. I was reacting to my past experiences and kept looking for answers and solutions to fix my problems which just kept me continually judging myself as wrong when my life didn’t improve.

For me, seeing problems as energy keeps me from indulging in my stories, judgments, beliefs and limitations and reminds me that change is always possible.

What are you trying to fix in your life that if you stopped trying to figure it out and asked some questions would change your reality?

Are you ready to choose something different? Are you ready to go beyond torment to be the brilliance of you?

Keryn Lee is an Intuitive Consultant and Healing Practitioner. She offers transformational Private Sessions to clients who are ready to create phenomenal change in their lives. Sessions available In Person, Online or Phone. Book Now on 0408 857 620 or

Discover the Secret to why DIETS don’t work and How to Get Off Dieting Merry-Go-Round Forever


You’ve probably tried every diet imaginable, heard endlessly about how much you should be exercising, and look in the mirror with any number of emotions from shame or disgust to disappointment and just feeling not good enough.

Every time you start another diet you hope you’ll lose weight and feel better about yourself, and this may work for a while, but inevitably you end up putting on even more weight and feeling like a total a failure!

It doesn’t have to be this way. I’d like to show you how to look at your weight and self-image issues from an entirely different perspective, one that will change your whole relationship with your body.

The Dieting Industry

The dieting industry is a multi-billion dollar industry and in 2015 alone $213 billion was spent on people trying to lose weight. Statistics indicate that only 5% of people on a diet actually lose weight which shows dieting is clearly inefficient, not to mention dis-heartening. If you spend that much money you want to see results, right? Yet this industry perpetuates its cycle by preying on the insecurities and lack of self-esteem as well as the guilt and shame that people, especially women, feel about their bodies and their size.

While diet clubs may be full of well-meaning people, the whole concept of focusing on food and exercise to lose weight misses the whole point of this issue. It’s like blaming a boat that’s anchored out at sea for rocking back and forth while failing to take into account the winds, the tides, the currents, the wake of other boats and other aspects that may affect the seas.

When we focus on what we weigh, limiting food intake or what foods we should or shouldn’t eat or how much we need to exercise we are focusing on the boat. Then we try to fix the boat to make it stop rocking, we might add stabilisers or try to redistribute weight in the boat, all of which will have very little influence on the rolling waves beneath it. That’s why diets don’t work – they focus on the boat and this distracts you from what’s really going on.

What lies below the surface?

When we are willing to take our focus off the weight and the food and the diets and actually listen to our bodies we gain more awareness about the underlying causes of weight gain that are hidden below the surface.

Here’s TWO of the main underlying influences that may affect your body and your weight:

  • Subconscious beliefs – these will override your conscious beliefs any day. They are deeply ingrained and act like a default setting so the mind can keep you in a state that it deems safe and comfortable, and for the mind that means as little change as possible. This is why people tend to repeat the same patterns and why dieting doesn’t work. Diets appeal to the conscious mind, not the subconscious. On the up-side, it is possible to change subconscious beliefs.
  • Judgements – this is one of the major influences of weight gain and it’s all about the judgements we pick up from others and that we perpetuate on ourselves. I have found that many people who carry excess weight are extremely sensitive to other people’s energies and therefore psychically pick up on their judgements and think these judgements are their own. They often feel too sensitive, tend to be “people pleasers” and put other people’s needs before their own. This too can be changed with some simple tools.

What can you do?

Your body is giving you subtle (and not so subtle) messages every moment of every day, and one of these messages can be weight gain or the inability to lose weight. Instead of acknowledging the wisdom of our body and what it’s trying to tell us, we complain about our size or what we look like and try another diet.

Tips to start to develop a new relationship with your body:

  • Stop judging yourself – stop seeing excess weight as a wrongness and instead ask, “What’s right about this that I’m not getting?” because ultimately your body is giving you all the clues, you just haven’t been taught how to listen. You are not wrong, your body is not wrong and if you ask this question every time you’re blaming and judging yourself you will start to open up the space for new possibilities and more awareness about what your body wants you to know. See every judgement as an interesting point of view and not something that you need to buy into.
  • Choice – instead of complaining about never being able to lose weight or trying over and over to do diets that you know don’t work, just make a clear choice about what you do desire. Every time you catch yourself thinking “I’m fat and useless” STOP, and make a new choice: “I used to think I was fat and useless but now I choose ease and joy with my body”. Notice that this is NOT an affirmation. You are not lying to your body and telling yourself that you are something that you may not be. You are making a new choice and this helps to create new neural pathways which will help you break free of your current default settings. You will be surprised how much change this can create if you do this often. Wake up each morning and say “I choose ease and joy with my body.”
  • Questions – asking questions always creates more space for awareness and possibilities. Making conclusions (I can never lose weight no matter how much I try) or judgements (I’m not good enough so I’ll always be fat) shut down the energies and limit the possibility for change. Some great questions to ask regularly are:
    • What else is possible?
    • What would it take for me to lose weight with ease?
    • What awareness am I refusing with this weight I am choosing?

(Don’t go looking for answers when you ask questions, just allow the awareness to show up seconds, days, weeks later and know that you are creating more space for different possibilities in your life- ask and you shall receive.)

Most importantly, know that you are an amazing, beautiful being. You are a unique and brilliant contribution to the planet and your special abilities and capacities (whether you see them yet or not) are a gift to the world. Thank you for BEING HERE, thank you for BEING YOU.

Are you ready to get off the Dieting Merry-Go-Round?

Keryn Lee is an Intuitive Consultant and Healing Practitioner. She offers transformational Private Sessions to clients who are ready to create phenomenal change in their lives. Sessions available In Person, Online or Phone. Book Now on 0408 857 620 or

book your session now!

Keryn also recommends the No Judgement Diet online program created by her friend Katherine MacIntosh.