Four Important Steps to Living with Purpose



I’m sure most of you have, at some point, posed the question, “What is my purpose in life?” and as a Tarot Reader and Healer, it’s a common question I am asked by clients. When we think about finding our purpose what we are really wanting is to feel connected to who we are and to shine our unique light in the world to help make it a better place, so we feel fulfilled at a core level. For many people, however, it becomes a mental activity to discover what will bring about this sense of connection and fulfilment.

In truth, it’s not about your job, your social status, how much money you have, what you are supposed to be studying or what others expect of you.

The REAL purpose of life is to BE YOU

You are a unique expression of God/source/creator and have the freewill to use your gifts and talents to contribute to others and make a difference in the world in any way you choose. And it’s ok if you think you don’t know what those gifts and talents are yet because discovering your purpose is a journey not a destination. It’s a gentle unfolding as you become more congruent with who you are, and less involved with life’s dramas and stories and the expectations of others.

It’s all about who you BE

It’s about your unique energy and who you are as an infinite being. No matter what you do, you just have to show up and be the best version of you possible – that’s what contributes to other people and fills your heart and lights up your soul.

Seeking Your Life Purpose

Many people spend a lot of time trying to “figure out” what their purpose is which often leads to frustration and feeling not good enough. The key here is that you can’t THINK your way to your purpose – it doesn’t work that way. The brain will never figure it out because it’s not about logic, it’s about being in alignment with who you are and that comes from your soul.

SEEKING your purpose becomes a distraction,

living WITH purpose creates forward momentum.

When you stop seeking your purpose and start living with purpose life will begin to flow because this is a direct invitation to the universe to support you which will open up new and exciting possibilities that lead to a more fulfilling life.

Four Steps for Living with Purpose

1. Follow your Curiosity – do things you love, things that bring you joy, things that you are curious about and want to learn more about even if it is something very small or seemingly insignificant. Read books, use the internet, buy magazines, attend seminars or workshops, talk to people and do whatever it takes to learn more or involve yourself in whatever intrigues you. You never know where it will lead and if you are following your joy and your curiosity it is guaranteed to be beyond your imagination – and you’ll have fun along the way.

2. Ask Questions – Ask and you shall receive as the saying goes. When you ask questions you are asking the universe to support you. You are not trying to find answers, this is another futile mind game. You are opening up energy and creating possibilities. “What” questions like the ones below are more empowering and the best to get you started. Ask the Universe (as often as you can):

  • What else is possible?
  • What would it take to change this?
  • What would it take to _________? (Have more joy in my life? Have more ease in my life? Have more fulfilling relationships? Etc)

3. Be the Contribution – Show up every day 100% as you and allow your energy and who you are to contribute to others and the world. (You don’t have to know the specifics of how this happens. When you wake up each morning just ask: What contribution can I be today?

So instead of saying “I have to find my life purpose” or “Why am I here?” or “What am I supposed to be doing?” you just show up and BE YOU. Your energy contributes to everything you do and everyone you meet. This creates more ease and flow, you are no longer in a space of lack. Then the magic begins!

It’s important with this step to not TRY to do anything, you don’t have to work at this. Just ask the question and let the universe take care of the rest.

4. Create a Life Vision – This step is vital because if you don’t know where you want to go neither does the universe. It awaits your command. So, consider what would you like your life to look like, how would you like to feel each day, what values are important to you?

Even if you don’t know the specifics, just get a sense of the general direction, otherwise you will end up going around in circles.

Creating a life vision offers the potential for new possibilities. It brings hope and it’s an invitation for the universe to support you.

Vision Ball exercise

  1. Get the energy of what you would like your life to be like. You can add in specific things but if you aren’t sure what they are just get the feel of it. Eg. There may be happiness, joy, love, adventure, travel, helping others, a home etc.
  2. Imagine this energy in ball in front of your heart.
  3. Pull in energy from the universe into this ball. Pull more and more, from all over the universe. Keep pulling for a few minutes so you energise everything.
  4. Then allow little streams of energy to flow from this energy ball out to anyone and anything that will contribute to your creation. Keep pulling energy in as you trickle it out for a minute.
  5. Do this weekly and notice when something shows up that has the same energy as your energy ball. One small seemingly unrelated step could lead you somewhere great. Always follow the energy.

Until next time, beautiful beings . . .

Keryn Lee

Keryn Lee is an Intuitive Healer, Tarot Reader and Teacher. She offers Private Sessions and Programs to clients who are ready to create phenomenal change in their health and their lives. She inspires healers and other soul-based entrepreneurs create successful, authentic businesses. Sessions available In Person, Online or Phone. Book Now on 0408 857 620 or Visit website:  Facebook: 

Are you an Empath?


Are you sensitive to other people’s energy? Do you feel their emotions, sense things they do not say and feel drained after being around others?

Do you become easily overstimulated, feel isolated and like you don’t fit in?

These are some signs that you may be an empath or HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) and according to studies this is true for about 20% of the population. (It is argued that there are differences between the two but that is not the purpose of this discussion so I’ll keep things general.)

While many see this as a curse and often ask me how to stop taking on other people’s energies and how to stop feeling so exhausted, it truly is a gift once you learn what is going on and how to manage it.

Empaths are not “over-sensitive” they simply have a gift they must learn how to use effectively 

Empaths contribute to society with their creative, intuitive and heart-centred approach to life, and as consciousness evolves on the planet empaths are on the leading edge of that change, guiding humanity into a space of deeper compassion, vulnerability and awareness.

One of the most important pieces of advice I can offer here is to remind you of these qualities and to let you know that you are like a vast, enticing pool of healing waters for every lost soul and troubled being for miles. They sense your big heart and depth of compassion and they are drawn to it like moths to a flame.

Here’s the important part: If you do not take care of yourself they will drown you in your own pool!

They do not do this intentionally, but you will kindly take all of their stress and negativity out of the goodness of your heart because you want to help people and you hate to see them suffering. The more people you do this with the more you can start to become depressed, stress, heavy, overeat, over-emotional and so on.

If you take care of you, your empathic gifts will contribute to others in the most amazing ways. You will inspire and delight, you will shine your light and you will be a bridge to a deeper level of consciousness. The world is truly waiting for you.

Tips for Self-Care

  1. Vote with your Feet – when you feel yourself getting overstimulated leave the situation immediately. Go outside, walk in nature, leave the party, find a quiet space, go to bed, slow everything down so you can regain your balance. Enduring any energetically overwhelming situation is unkind to you.
  2. Use your voice – explain to friends and family (as much as possible) that you are sensitive to energy and sometimes need to leave social situations early. They will learn to accept this, or they will think you are weird. Either way, it’s not your problem.
  3. Trigger Points – you may have your own specific triggers that you are aware of and can minimise where possible. Here’s a few common ones: large crowds, anything noisy and chaotic, traffic, negative people, low blood sugar, overworking, harsh chemicals or environments, watching the news or violent movies, energy vampires (these people will seek you out for your delicious energy leaving you feeling like you feeling like all life has been sucked out of you).
  4. Create your own space – you need time out from all the crazy and this is imperative. Let your family know that even 15 minutes is required each day just for you. It may be outside at night in the moonlight, a comfortable and nurturing space in your home, among the plants in your garden where you can just sit and rejuvenate.
  5. It’s not yours – remember that the energies you pick up are not yours. You will think they are because they seem so real and immediate, however, 99% of all thoughts, feelings and emotions you are aware of are not yours. Remember this next time you feel sad or depressed and ask “Is this energy mine?” If you get a sense that it’s not yours simply ask the universe to return it to its source as you take a deep breath and let it go.
  6. Rescue Remedies – these are great for negative energy build ups when you have trouble getting away from an overwhelming situation
  • Lightening Hands – Imagine all the energy gathering in your hands then count to three, and flick your hands out in front as if trying to flick the energy from your hands. Do this about 5 to 10 times (use your intuition, you’ll know).
  • Conscious Breathing – take some slow deep breaths into your belly. Let everything else fall away and just be with your breath for a few minutes. Then allow the energies around you to sink into the earth. Mentally say “Release and dissipate” numerous times.
  1. Water Therapy – take a shower, go for a swim, or wash your hands. Water is soothing to your soul, it is healing and rejuvenating for you and will wash away a lot of stuck energies. You can even imagine the energies flowing down the drain as you enjoy the water.

Being an empath has been a bonus for me as a healer, I sense people’s feelings and emotions as if they were my own, which allows me to have a very intuitive sense of what my clients require and how best to help them. As a child this was overwhelming and I learned behaviours to stuff down all this awareness and pretend I didn’t notice it. Now that I have a better understanding of this I acknowledge that it is truly a gift and while it takes a little practice you can begin to honour this gift within you right away.

What magic do you have to share with the world that you have not yet acknowledged?

Until next time, Beautiful Beings . . .

**Don’t miss the Being A Healer teleclass on Tuesday 12th June**

Keryn Lee is a Healing Practitioner, Tarot Reader, Money Coach and Intuitive Consultant. She offers transformational Private Sessions and Programs to clients who are ready to create phenomenal change in their lives. Sessions available In Person, Online or Phone. Book Now on 0408 857 620 or Visit website: 

Are you putting YOU into what you Do?


Many people go about life in a haze of unconscious behaviour they have been entrained into since childhood: get up, go to work, get paid, go to sleep, rinse and repeat. Among all of this we fall in love, buy houses, have children, pay bills, go to the beach and myriad other things that make up our lives, but how many of us are truly happy and deeply fulfilled?

Now, it’s true that some people don’t question this. They just put one foot after the other and live in a glorious haze of unconsciousness until they die. Yet some of us seek something greater. We know deep down that we are here to serve others and make a difference in the world in our own unique way – whether we know what looks like or not.

I speak with many people who have this inner desire but don’t know how to bring that desire out and make it flourish. They doubt their abilities and knowledge. They find excuses to prevent themselves taking that first step, saying things like: I need a degree for that, I don’t have enough money to get started, I need to have a proper job to pay the bills and so on. There are others who procrastinate and distract themselves by being too busy with other things, continually starting something but never finishing it, or putting others before their own needs.

One of the simplest ways I have found to help people start making this transition into creating the life they desire from where they are now, without the overwhelm and panic that is sometimes associated with change is this:

Start putting YOU into what you do.

What does that mean? It means to start being mindful of everything you do each day – whether you are washing dishes, going to a job you hate, raising children or trying to find work. Slow down, become more conscious of your actions and the energy you BE in each moment.

You are an Infinite Being. You have choice about how you go about your life. If the big changes are too daunting right now just focus on BEING YOU and as you do that you are adding your unique energy to every part of your life. You will be amazed at how much this shifts your energy and starts to attract more magic into your life.

Try this now:

  • Take some slow deep breaths into your belly. Acknowledge that you are here in this reality, that you are present and willing to be YOU as much as possible throughout this day.
  • Expand your energy out to really get a sense of you, the Infinite Being. Feel your connection to all things and the vastness of who you really are.
  • Lower all your barriers, all the doubts and fears, judgements and expectations, all the resistance and reactions, just let it all drop away.
  • Ask: Universe, show me some magic and new possibilities today.

Start every day with this small practice and then revisit it as often as possible throughout the day – as you prepare breakfast, pay bills, drive to work, interact with others, clean the house, and so on. It’s so simple you can do it anywhere.

As you start to slow down and become more aware you come to see that everything you do is a choice, and even if you are doing something you don’t like right now, HOW you approach what you do is what matters. If you do it from a space of resentment, victimhood, powerlessness and thinking that you don’t have a choice then that is what you create more of in your life. If you start to be more present and acknowledge that this is just what you are choosing right now, you bring yourself out of that powerlessness and into a world of possibilities.

When you put YOU into what you do, you also contribute to the people around you. They will feel more at ease and be inspired by your energy. The more you do this each day, the more it becomes a habit, and the more you will start to attract new possibilities into your life that resonate with who you truly are. You will also feel a deeper sense of inner peace and fulfilment because you are acknowledging WHERE you are at right now (without judgement), you are acknowledging WHO you are, and you are acknowledging that you have CHOICE.

Go ahead; take the first breath right now. You’ve got this!

Until next time, Beautiful Beings . . .

Keryn Lee
Contact Keryn to Book A Private Session

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Keryn Lee is a Healing Practitioner, Life Coach and Intuitive Consultant. She offers transformational Private Sessions and Programs to clients who are ready to create phenomenal change in their lives. Sessions available In Person, Online or Phone. Book Now on 0408 857 620 or Visit website: 

“Victim” Doesn’t Look Good On You!


Are you living the life you truly desire to live? Are you using your talents and abilities to serve others and fulfil yourself? Are you setting the world alight with your own personal brand of magic and brilliance?

Sadly, there are many who would not answer yes to those questions – perhaps you are one of them. Yet as Infinite Beings we are brilliant by our very nature, we ARE all things so we can never truly be in lack. We can never truly be afraid, or lost or stuck, yet so often this is how we live our lives.

Let me share a story about Jane, (not her real name). Jane was someone I knew from many years ago, someone who had a dream and set off on her own personal adventure to fulfil that dream. She was filled with adventure, inspiration and the desire to change the world in her own unique way. When I met up with Jane recently her energy had changed dramatically, it was heavy, somewhat melancholy and there was a level of stuckness to it that told me she had been sitting in this for quite a while and no longer saw the possibility of change. Her story spoke to the victimhood she was choosing and asking her a few questions brought up barriers of resistance. The vibrant woman I once knew was a mere shadow and quite frankly, “victim” didn’t look good on her.

Jane’s story is about all of us, how we shut down parts of ourselves to function in this reality. How we settle for less and put others before ourselves. How we give up because we can’t see a way out.  And how we lose sight of who we really are and the immense potential we have. Pretending that we are small, worthless, incapable and “victim” doesn’t look good on any of us. It may be a fun game for a while but is this truly why you are here? Or do you have the potential to change the world – just by being you?

Let me be honest here, I have been where Jane is now. In the past, I have allowed limitation and victimhood to have prevalence in my life and at times I have lost hope and felt so stuck I thought it would be easier not to be here. In these moments we must remember who we are:

We are Infinite Beings

We always have Choice

Change is always possible

I invite you to take a few slow, deep breaths and expand your energy out in all directions. See if you can touch the edges of you, the infinite being. Keep expanding out further and further, beyond the planet, beyond the universe. Lower all of your barriers and just be present with yourself.

You, the Infinite Being, are everywhere, you are all things. You may notice a sense of peace or expansion, whatever it is for you, as you do this. Keep expanding out more and more.

Are you really stuck? Are your problems really unsolvable? Could you choose something different now?

Dear Infinite Being, what choice can you make today that would change your reality with total ease?

Choose to create the change you desire. Wake up and choose it every day. Never give up, never give in, never quit. You are the director, writer and actor in your own personal play, only you can change the script. The universe is eagerly awaiting your next chapter . . . and besides, I know that “awesome” looks great on you!

Until next time, Beautiful Beings . . .

Keryn Lee
Contact Keryn to Book A Private Session

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Keryn Lee is a Healing Practitioner, Life Coach and Intuitive Consultant. She offers transformational Private Sessions and Programs to clients who are ready to create phenomenal change in their lives. Sessions available In Person, Online or Phone. Book Now on 0408 857 620 or Visit website: 

Are You Doing What You Love?


We all have unique talents and abilities, a “superpower” or gift that we came here to share with others. It may be that you make jewellery, or do healing work, or have a talent for communicating and supporting others. Yet so often I see these talents minimised, made unimportant, pushed aside for the supposed security that comes from a mundane job or so people do not have to take action for fear of failure.

You may think:

  • What I do is not very interesting/important/special
  • I’m not good enough at it
  • Others do it better than me
  • I could never make enough money from that
  • I don’t know what my talents are

This comes from the mind chatter that keeps us in our comfort zone and the energetic imbalances we have taken on throughout our lives that keep us functioning from a limited reality.

What if you could change this, starting right now? What if you started by seeing yourself in a new light – without judgement or expectation – just honouring you for being here and shining your light in the world?

What if you woke up every day and asked,

“Universe, what contribution can I be to the world today?”

And what if you allowed the universe to gift back to you?

We know that if we keep doing the same thing over and over we will get the same result. Yet too often we are unwilling to do what is required to make a change. We can begin by asking a question like the one above. A question invites new possibilities. Ask and you shall receive.

What if you woke up smiling because each day you were doing what you love, and you felt so fulfilled and you recognised that you had so much to gift to others. Would that be a contribution to your life and to the world?

Would you be willing to step up and step out of the comfort zone and be your best self?

The world is waiting for you.

Until next time, Beautiful Beings . . .

Keryn Lee
Contact Keryn to Book A Private Session

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Keryn Lee is a Healing Practitioner and Intuitive Consultant. She offers transformational Private Sessions and Programs to clients who are ready to create phenomenal change in their lives. Sessions available In Person, Online or Phone. Book Now on 0408 857 620 or Visit website: 

The Universe Has Your Back

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Do you know that the Universe has your back, totally, unequivocally, eternally and without a shred of judgement?

You can pick the most damaged person you can find to be in a relationship with, you can blow all your money at the casino, you can make the dumbest choices imaginable and the Universe says, “That’s what you want? No problem, I’ve got your back, Babe!”

It will support your choice for poverty or wealth, or happiness or sadness, for health or sickness.

It will also support you when you choose to create change in your life. When you say, “No more unhealthy relationships, no more gambling, no more sadness, I’m having something different! Once again, the Universe says, “That’s what you want? No problem, I’ve got your back, Babe!”

And it does so without judgement. Not one bit.

What if we could all have our own backs? What if we could have that level of support for ourselves? What if, no matter what choices we made, we did not judge the rightness or wrongness of it all?

In truth, there are no right or wrong choices; there are just choices that lead to experiences that lead to awareness that lead to more choices. This allows us to adjust our course and discover what works for us and what doesn’t.

If we approach everything in our lives in the same way the universe does – total support and no judgement – how much more ease would we create?

There could be no blame, shame, regret or guilt because these things come from judgement. There could be no sense of wrongness or not being good enough because this too comes from judgement.

If you did not judge yourself just for today, what else might be possible in your world? What ease and joy might you create? What gratefulness might you have for yourself and the world around you?

And what if you chose to not judge yourself again tomorrow? And the day after.

If you knew you could never be wrong what would you choose? And how much more would you value yourself? Perhaps today could be the day that you choose to step out of judgement and totally have your own back, and be assured that the universe will say, “That’s what you want? No problem, I’ve got your back, Babe!”

Until next time, Beautiful Beings . . .

Keryn Lee
Contact Keryn to Book A Private Session

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Keryn Lee is an Intuitive Consultant and Healing Practitioner. She offers transformational Private Sessions and Programs to clients who are ready to create phenomenal change in their lives. Sessions available In Person, Online or Phone. Book Now on 0408 857 620 or Visit website: 

Money isn’t the Problem, You are

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How often do you say “I can’t afford it” in response to an invitation or new possibility? This response is such a sneaky little lie and one that I used to be very familiar with. It’s also a great excuse for not choosing more in our lives and a way to shut down all possibility for creating something different. It’s a big, fat brick wall that we hide behind and pretend is real.

The thing is, it feels real, right? Because if there’s no money in your bank account you obviously “can’t afford” that new dress or that class or holiday you desire, so where’s the pretence in that?

The pretence is in believing that you are a finite being who does not have the ability to create something greater, in other words, to change your situation.

Recently I facilitated a class about money called How Much Are You Willing To Receive? It’s an Access Consciousness class based on the book Money isn’t the Problem, You are by Gary Douglas and Dr Dain Heer. In this book Gary and Dain talk about what we perceive as a money problem is actually about what we are not willing to receive and there are simple tools you can use to change this.

Most often we are not willing to receive the greatness of who we truly are and while this may sound simplistic and even annoying to some, if you are willing to choose something different anything is possible.

You may have noticed that if there is something you truly desire you will somehow find the money to do or have it. There are other things you will hold at arm’s length and say you can’t afford – these are the things you have decided you cannot have (for whatever reason) and are therefore refusing to receive.

The truth is, we are infinite beings and therefore have infinite choice.

So, what will you choose today? Will you stay in a no-choice universe and pretend you are finite, or will you be the infinite being you truly be and choose something greater for your future?

Here’s a few tips to get you started:

Showing Up In Your Life

When we play small, when we are not truly being who we are, we are not truly showing up in our lives and this diminishes what we are able to receive.

Ask this question:

What’s it going to take for me to show up in my life?

In asking a question the universe will give you an answer and start guiding you towards greater possibilities. (Ask and you shall receive) Be willing to ask, and keep asking if necessary, and then listen to its reply.

From here, different possibilities will become available that you previously did not notice because you were too busy being small and NOT showing up in your life.

What would it take?

The universe loves to contribute to you, but it can’t if you don’t ask for what you require or desire.

Ask this question:

What would it take for _________ to show up?

Once again, the universe will have your back and show you the possibilities. Let go of all expectations and judgements about what you’re asking for and be willing to follow the energy of what shows up because it often doesn’t look like what we thought it would – it’s could be even greater!

Money Shower

This tool is not actually in the book but it’s something that I like to play with:

Close your eyes and pull energy from the universe to you. See it come in from all directions and know that there is no limit to the amount of energy you can pull. Keep pulling more and more. You may notice your body becomes a little lighter as you wake up and energise all the cells and molecules.

Now imagine money gently raining down on you. Allow it to fill up around your ankles, allow it to float buoyantly around your body. Imagine you are a child playing with it in a space of total joy and ease. Play in any way that is fun for you and invite even more money to come and play.

It only takes a few minutes to do this each day and it will help you to create a different energy around money which is often taken far too seriously.

Play with these tools as much as you can and start creating some money magic in your life!

Until next time, beautiful beings

Keryn Lee


Join me for the next How Much Are You Willing To Receive? class:

Purchase the book Money isn’t the Problem, You are by Gary Douglas and Dr Dain Heer:

Contact Keryn to Book private “Body & Being” Sessions

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Keryn Lee is a Healing Practitioner and Body Whisperer. She offers transformational Private Sessions to clients who are ready to create phenomenal change in their lives. Sessions available In Person, Online or Phone. Book Now on 0408 857 620 or Visit website: 

Beautiful Chaos


Often when we think of the word chaos we have a perception of when “hell breaks loose”, when things go wrong and our lives are upturned. I’ve had some experiences recently that showed me a completely different possibility with chaos.

One example was when I was heading into the hills to meet a friend and got lost along the way. I spent quite a bit of time finding where I needed to go and ended up being very late. In the past punctuality was important to me, I was annoyed if others were late and I stressed and fussed in order not to be late myself. As I headed along a winding road, through the beautiful Australian bush, I realised that trying to control the outcome was useless, and as I was willing to be in allowance of the situation I became aware of the beauty of chaos.

What I felt was space all around me as if the Universe had just peeled back a layer to show me its inner workings. Energetically, I became aware of the quantum entanglements, the possibilities, the potentials of All That Is kind of floating around me. I realised that in this space there was no control, no form and no structure as we know it, instead, there was a beauty and what I can only describe as a type of divine order that the mind could not possibly fathom.

I sank into this space of allowance, enjoying the beauty of the chaos and the vastness of the universe and what was possible, and I knew that this was a place from which we can create. The more I was willing to let go of the judgments and conclusions I had about time and what this journey was supposed to look like, the more I became space. And when I was willing to be judged as being “late and unreliable” the sense of wrongness I felt dissipated and I saw that while my morning had not begun as expected I had gained something magical.

When I arrived at my destination my friend was happily catnapping in her car with the seat laid back, in total allowance of the situation and no judgement of me – as always.

What magic can we create from this space of chaos? What magic of being are we avoiding by trying to control everything in our lives? And what beautiful chaos would you be willing to invite into your life?

Until next time my amazing friends,

Keryn Lee
Contact Keryn to Book private “Body & Being” Sessions

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Keryn Lee is a Healing Practitioner and Body Whisperer. She offers transformational Private Sessions to clients who are ready to create phenomenal change in their lives. Sessions available In Person, Online or Phone. Book Now on 0408 857 620 or Visit website: 

The Contribution of Being You

woman world

In Access Consciousness there’s a mantra that goes “All of life comes to me with ease and joy and glory”. (Glory being the exuberant expression and abundance of life.) Many people think this means that if you are a conscious and aware person that life suddenly becomes perfect and you never experience challenging situations. Rather, it’s all about the energy you be and how you handle whatever is going on around you.

Yesterday I was waiting for a lady to reverse out of a car park at my local shopping centre when suddenly she hit the accelerator instead of the brake and launched back into my car. In that split second I knew that she was going to hit me, I knew that it had nothing to do with me but I was there to be a contribution in some way. When I got out of my car I could see that she was highly distressed, she had a disabled passenger and was driving a hire car that she was obviously unfamiliar with. As we went through the process of exchanging details I was aware of having no point of view about the whole thing, I didn’t go into the wrongness, in fact, I was barely aware of myself and my car. I was more aware of myself as an Infinite Being and aware of the lady who kept thanking me for not getting angry with her.

When I arrived home shortly after, I was aware of an energy shift occurring, it was like a mini earthquake in my energetic field and for a moment I felt a slight dizziness which quickly passed. I knew that something greater had occurred here but it wasn’t until this morning as I lay in bed pondering the occurrence that I gained deeper clarity.

This lady and myself had both been aware of earth energies building up (I would have to say that this lady was possibly a bit autistic as well), and I had been there to absorb these energies that were being expressed through her.  In other words, the earth had required this facilitation which possibly prevented the expression of this energy on a greater scale.

As I write this, I know that I know how to absorb these energies from the earth, to be a type of transformer that can dissipate energy with total ease, but this is not something that I was really consciously aware of before.  And, interestingly, I have been doing lots of energy flows with the earth over the past few weeks, and also facilitating the Communion of Body & Being classes, which deepens our connection with the earth and all things.

The “accident” itself barely registered with me, we both have insurance, the damages were minor, no injuries, and there will be no cost to myself except perhaps some small inconvenience of having my car off the road for a day or two. But the reason I am sharing this story is because this situation was handled with total ease and through this experience I have become aware of another capacity that I have and the contribution that I can be in a totally different way.

In the past I would have thought of a car accident as something being “wrong”, I would have gone into guilt and think that these things shouldn’t happen to conscious people, but all of that is a judgement. When we approach life from a space of no judgement nothing can ever be wrong, it’s only an experience and what if that experience contributes to you and others and the planet in some way?

So when we say “All of life comes to me with ease and joy and glory”, it’s not about perfection, it’s about being you. We live in a world that has so much pain and suffering and where horrible things happen all the time, but you don’t have to be at the effect of this, you can be the change that you want to see in the world, you can be a contribution to others and to the planet just by being you. What would it take for you to know, be, perceive and receive that with total ease? What capacities do you have that you have not yet acknowledged? If you ask these questions (not to find an answer, but to gain awareness) the universe will show you.

Until next time, Beautiful Beings . . .

Keryn Lee
Contact Keryn to Book A Private “Body & Being” Session

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Keryn Lee is a Healing Practitioner and Body Whisperer. She offers transformational Private Sessions to clients who are ready to create phenomenal change in their lives. Sessions available In Person, Online or Phone. Book Now on 0408 857 620 or Visit website: 

More about Access Consciousness here:

Are you Committed to your Life?

back door

Are you truly committed to your life or do you have “back doors” and “escape routes”? I know that sounds unusual, however, if we are not truly committed to being here and committed to life and living we create all types of dis-harmony in our lives.

When we have experienced pain and suffering, when we have endured trauma and life’s difficulties we often give up hope and think that leaving would be easier. For some leaving may mean death, for others it may mean walking out on something, it depends on the situation. Resorting to an escape route is a way to avoid dealing with what is going on below the surface and at some level believing that we don’t have choice or the ability to change it.

Let’s look at the situation of chronic pain. Those who have suffered intense continual pain will know that there are moments when you are in that pain when dying may seem like the best option. Especially if you have tried over and over to “fix” the problem and nothing seems to work.

In my own life, pain was an issue for me and when I became aware of thinking that “dying would be easier”, I closed all my back doors and made a commitment to myself and to my life. I decided that no matter what happened, no matter how much pain, I would stay and be present in my life and not use pain as an excuse to avoid living.

Interestingly, this changed the situation dramatically, because I was willing to do whatever it takes to be present in my life. I was no longer energetically standing with one foot out the door in case things got so bad that I needed to escape.

While I hadn’t realised I had been doing this, and I certainly didn’t want to die, this energy had been running in the background. This is understandable when you consider how many lifetimes we have had where dying or escaping may have actually been the best option, and I wonder how much of that energy we still function from today.

Are your back doors open? Are you looking for an escape to avoid fully living your life?

You can choose to change this. Simply imagine closing all your back doors and choosing to be present in your life. Choose that no matter what shows up you will commit to life and living whatever that means. The shift this creates is quite amazing.

Until next time, Beautiful Beings . . .

Keryn Lee
Contact Keryn to Book A Private Session

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Keryn Lee is an Intuitive Consultant and Healing Practitioner. She offers transformational Private Sessions to clients who are ready to create phenomenal change in their lives. Sessions available In Person, Online or Phone. Book Now on 0408 857 620 or Visit website: