What Is Your Body Trying To Tell You?


What does that pain in your shoulder mean? Why does your back ache? Why do you get headaches or viruses or dis-ease?

The body is a remarkable organism that performs myriad functions in every moment to keep us breathing, releasing toxins, assimilating food, absorbing nutrients and so on. This all happens without us giving it a second thought – unless something interrupts the balance and we experience pain or dis-function in some area.

The body is never attacking you, it never lets you down and it never fails you. It is always doing its best to maintain homeostasis – even if at times it appears otherwise.

As a healer part of my job is to connect with bodies and intuitively interpret these imbalances. I tune in into the consciousness of the cells, sense the energy of the blood, listen to the messages from the bones etc. And I know that every part of the body is doing its best to support you at all times.

Some time ago I attended an Intuitive Anatomy Advanced Theta Healing training and, with Theta being one of my favourite healing modalities, I was in total bliss for three full weeks! Each day we investigated and “spoke with” a different system of the body, the respiratory system, the endocrine system, the skeletal system and so on, and this allowed me to gain an even deeper connection with all aspects of the body.

I saw how light and giggly and joyful the bones are, and how strong and powerful the muscles are, and how rushed and busy the blood is – it didn’t have much time to pause and talk! As I connected with each part of the body it told me something it wanted me to know, and that was “how IT was the most important system in the body”, which after a few days became incredibly funny because of course they are all equally important! That sense of importance came from each part of the body being totally proud of its unique task and its desire to perform its function to the absolute best of its ability.

So with this in mind, why would a body create pain and illness?

Quite simply, it’s the body’s way to give you information and because it doesn’t speak in words (unfortunately) so it gives us subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) messages.

  • The feet may have something to do with your direction in life, feeling stuck or getting cold feet.
  • The legs may speak to moving forward, feeling unsupported and flexibility in life.
  • The shoulders may indicate stress, burdens, responsibilities or lack of joy.
  • A virus can relate to having to fight for what you want in life or feeling attacked.

These imbalances come about because of the underlying belief systems and the thoughts, energies and emotions that we take on as we go about our daily lives. The body tries to bring our awareness to this, however, most people have become very good at ignoring these messages because we are not taught as children to have this level of self-awareness and self-care.

When your body is speaking to you, why not stop and listen – sit quietly, breathe deeply, imagine turning on a switch that gives you access to your full awareness so that you, the infinite being, can be totally present with any imbalance you may have.

Then ask some questions:

  • Body, what do you want me to know?
  • What am I not acknowledging that is causing this?
  • How can I change this?
  • Is this energy mine or someone else’s?
  • What else is possible here?

Just be present in that space and allow any insights and awareness to flow to you, and even if you feel like you’re not getting it, just continue to be present because the insights will come – most often when you least expect it. You are not seeking answers, you are opening up your awareness. There is a difference and one requires hard work and frustration, the other requires total trust in yourself.

Then thank and honour your body for the amazing job it does as each cell goes about its own particular task that keeps you alive. Even when cells appear to go rogue and “attack” the immune system they actually think they are doing the right thing and can be quite shocked to learn otherwise.

Remember, your body always has your back. It responds to the energies and consciousness in your world, and it can help you gain so much insight into your life if you listen to its whispers.

Until next time, beautiful beings . . .

Keryn Lee

Keryn Lee is an Energy Healer, Tarot Reader and Empowerment Teacher. She offers transformational Private Sessions and Programs to clients who are ready to create phenomenal change in their lives. She helps healers and other soul-based entrepreneurs create successful, authentic businesses. Sessions available In Person, Online or Phone. Book Now on 0408 857 620 or keryn@kerynlee.com.au. Visit website: www.kerynlee.com.au