Is your Health your Hindrance?



Does poor health hold you back from living a joyful, expansive life? Do you feel frustrated that an issue with your physical body can disrupt your life and it seems that there is no way to change it?

Sometimes we need reminding that we are Infinite Beings and that we create our own reality. This can be difficult to hear or admit when we are in extreme pain or suffering. We fall into victim mode which shuts down our awareness which causes us to function from a place of limitation.

From this limited space we buy into the story about our illness and start trying to find answers and solutions to fix the problem. Whether it comes from a doctor or alternative therapist, whether it’s information from this book or that, we are now embroiled in a game of make-believe that involves trying to fix something that we see as “wrong”.

If we remember that we are infinite beings and that our bodies respond to us in each and every moment, we can choose to create a different reality with our health.

  1. Your Health Issue Is Not A Wrongness

Recognise that your body is simply giving you information that you have been ignoring and there is nothing actually “wrong” with it. Instead of fighting against it not losing trust in it, start creating change by saying “hi” to your body and reconnecting with it each day.

  1. What does your body know?

Every time you have pain or think about your health issue ask your body: “Body, what awareness do you have that I am not acknowledging?” When you do this you are letting your body know that you are now listening and it can give you more information.

Don’t expect an answer to instantly drop into your lap, just be aware of your body and what it requires and follow your intuition. Asking this question creates a space for change.

  1. Asking questions

In past articles I have spoken about “being in the question” which is a tool from Access Consciousness. When we ask a question we invite the universe to respond, when we seek answers we send ourselves in circles trying to figure out the “right” answer. So ask the following questions daily (without expectation of what might show up):

  • What would it take to change this?
  • What else is possible?
  • Body, what are you aware of?
  • Body, what do you require today?

You’ll be amazed at your body’s wisdom.

  1. What’s your Superpower?

By focusing on the “story” of being ill, (the label we give the illness, the symptoms we endure and the time we spend trying to fix it or complaining about it) we often divert our attention from a capacity that we have that we are refusing to acknowledge. When we suppress our unique capacities our body sends us signals to let us know that we are not being all that we could be. We are being finite instead of infinite. We are being limited instead of expansive. We are being victims instead of creators.

All of this is a way to shut down our full awareness because at some point in our lives it seemed unsafe or inappropriate to be that in this reality. As children we were often taught to be seen and not heard, or we were too exuberant and joyful for a parent who suffered from depression, or we experienced abuse or hardship in some way, so we learned to minimise ourselves.

  1. New Focus

Take your focus from the “story” of your health issue and start to ask questions to create change in your life: “What capacities do I have that if I would acknowledge them would create the change I desire in my life?”

Continue to ask the questions in this article as often as possible to create change, to gain more awareness about you, your body and your life. Your health can change from an issue that hinders you to awareness that guides you.

Until next time, Beautiful Beings . . .

Keryn Lee
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Keryn Lee is an Intuitive Consultant and Healing Practitioner. She offers transformational Private Sessions to clients who are ready to create phenomenal change in their lives. Sessions available In Person, Online or Phone. Book Now on 0408 857 620 or Visit website: