Creating Change with Bodies

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Have you ever considered how much our judgments, beliefs, emotions and points of view determine the shape, health and the deterioration of our bodies?

We know that everything is energy, including our bodies, and while objects around us appear solid they are actually molecules and space. Our bodies are also intimately subjected to our thoughts and belief systems which means they are very dynamic. They bleed and heal, they break and mend, they generate and degenerate, and since seeing the results of clients who have benefited from the Access Energetic Facelift™ I am seeing facial features change in the space of a 90 minute session. I have witnessed the tightening of skin, lessening of lines, faces becoming more plump and radiant instead of drawn and tired.  And while I may be beginning to sound like a beauty product commercial, that is not my point here; the point is the amazing capacity that our bodies have for change and how much our beliefs and points of view contribute to that.

If we believe in the deterioration and degeneration of bodies (which is entrained into our society) then that is what we create. So without questioning that, we slap on anti-aging products and accept that it’s all downhill from here.

Anytime you look in a mirror you affirm these points of view as well as judgments about being too fat, too thin, too ugly, too short, too weak and so on, and over time we lock our bodies into that particular reality. The crazy part is that most of our beliefs did not originate from us! They were absorbed from our parents and caregivers throughout our childhood.

The Access Energetic Facelift™ offers so much potential for change, not just in our faces, but our bodies and our lives, because they are all interrelated. The more you receive this body process the more dynamic the benefits and it is said that after 20 sessions the results can be permanent.

What I, and many others have found, is that you also begin to develop a deeper connection with your body. You feel more kindness and caring towards yourself and become more present in your body. So, along with this wonderful body process, here are some tips for creating more kindness and change with your body:

  1. Avoid mirrors for a week

We don’t realise just how much of our lives are spent judging our bodies and how much we project these judgments onto ourselves until we turn our back on the mirrors and start to feel our bodies instead of looking at them. If you need the mirror to apply make-up or do your hair, do it quickly and just focus on the task at hand rather than how you look. If you notice a judgment pop in use tip no. 4 listed below.(This exercise is just to give you an idea of how much we judge ourselves through mirrors and what it feels like not to do that. After this week, use the mirror again and use tip no 4 below to clear all the judgements.)

  1. Eyes closed in the shower/bath

This may sound ridiculous and obviously you may need to open your eyes momentarily to grab the shampoo bottle and not mix it up with the conditioner bottle, but for this exercise spend as much of your shower/bath time as is possible (and safe) with your eyes closed. What this does is it stops you projecting outwards and brings your focus onto your body so you notice how you feel rather than how you look. It’s a really interesting exercise to do and you may also notice how much of your time is spent focused on external things instead of actually developing a relationship and deeper connection with your body.

  1. Connection Points

As often as possible become aware of your body. If you’re sitting, bring your focus onto 3 points where your body connects to something solid, i.e. bum on chair, feet on floor and back against chair. If you’re standing you could use feet on floor, one hand on chest, one hand on belly.

Then take a deep breath, close your eyes and feel these points of connection. This will help to keep you grounded and centred and bring your awareness back into this now moment rather than what you could, would, should be doing.

  1. Interesting Point of View

This is a wonderful tool from Access Consciousness that you can use every time you notice yourself making judgments about your body or yourself. Simply say (to yourself or aloud) “Interesting point of view, I have that point of view”. Repeat a few times.

This statement will stop you from aligning and agreeing, or resisting and reacting to the judgment which will prevent you from making it significant, real or solid in your life.

  1. Gratitude for You

Each day, find one thing that you are grateful TO YOURSELF for. This will help you begin to see yourself from a space of kindness and appreciation rather than judgment.

  1. Body Processes

The Access Energetic Facelift™ and the Access Bars® are amazing body processes that complement each other beautifully. Your body learns how to receive kindness and caring as well as opening up possibilities for radical change in your body and your life.

What would it take for you to receive kindness and caring for you?

What else is possible for your beautiful body?



Keryn Lee is an Access Bars Facilitator, Access Energetic Facelift™ Practitioner and Theta Healing Practitioner. More information is available at her website. Or contact her on 0408 857 620

What if it’s just a “story”?


What is it that you would most like to change in your life? Your health? Your finances? Your relationships? Your job?

Did you know that you are an infinite being – notice the INFINITE part – so why do we diminish ourselves and pretend that we are not loved or have too much debt or don’t know what we really want to do?

Many believe that we are here to learn lessons and must go through these struggles to evolve spiritually. What if this is just a story? And what if that story is a way to justify our struggling and what if it creates an excuse for us NOT TO CREATE GREATNESS in our lives?

Ouch! There’s a lot of energy around that question! Did you feel it?

Many years ago I probably would have read that paragraph and indignantly told myself that I was delusional. (“What are you talking about? Of course we have spiritual lessons! Isn’t that the point of being here?) However, my perspective of reality has changed so much that I now question everything. The benefit of questioning everything is that we gain new awareness and begin to see how much of our reality actually comes from other people’s points of view that we have bought into.

Why would we need an excuse to NOT create greatness? Well, being the greatness and potency that we are may require that we go beyond the realities of our friends and families and society. We may have to stop buying into the stories and lies and manipulations that keep us diminished. It may mean that we have to step out of our comfort zones.

What if the point of being here (on Earth) was simply to BE THE CONTRIBUTION that we are? No matter what that looks like for each of us – whether we cut hair or clean hotel rooms or perform surgery or teach others. What if we each had a uniqueness that we brought to the world and by allowing ourselves to express that we could inspire much more ease and joy on this planet?

What if this allowed us to let go of the struggle, to stop buying the beliefs of others that keep us stuck and diminished, and to create from a whole different space and awareness? And in so doing, what else might be possible in our world?

What stories are you buying (that are creating your health, your job, your relationships and your wellbeing) that are not actually yours that by releasing them could change your whole reality?

Change begins with AWARENESS and CHOICE.

Beginning Wednesday July 27th, 2016 I will be running a monthly Create Your Life class.

This class offers new perspectives on creating the life you desire and provides effective tools for implementing change. Join us to discover what else is possible, how you can change your reality and how being you can change the world.

Classes held at Kensington Park, SA.

7.00 – 8.30pm.

Bookings essential: 0408 857 620,

Keryn also offers Private Facilitation in 30 and 60 minute sessions by phone or computer for those who cannot attended classes and would like assistance implementing change in their lives.

What’s True For You?

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How often have you had to make a choice or decision and felt overwhelmed, stressed or confused?

Today, I thought I would share a useful tool that can help you make decisions about what’s true for you at any given point in time. It will also help you gain more awareness of yourself and your body.

It’s called the Light and Heavy Tool and it comes from Access Consciousness.

All you do is “ask a question” – which helps to bring up the energy of whatever you are asking about – and then notice whether it feels light or heavy.

If something feels light then it is true for you. If something feels heavy then it is a lie for you (which usually means it is created from other people’s expectations, judgments, beliefs etc).

I have often heard or read that “the answers are within us” and in my past I often wondered why I couldn’t find these elusive answers. The problem is that in looking for answers (which is what we are taught to do in our society) we shut down our awareness and buy into other people’s realities,  whereas, asking questions enables us to function from our own awareness.

Answers dis-empower, questions empower.

Let’s have a look at a few examples:

Example 1: You have a headache so you ask the question “Is this mine?”

If the energy lightens then it’s not yours. You’ve just become aware that this energy does not belong to you so you can let it go. This will often clear the problem immediately.

If the energy felt heavy, then maybe you need to ask more questions and notice the energy that comes up to give you greater awareness of why your body is showing you this pain (which is just an intensity of energy).

You could ask – What else is possible here? What awareness can I have about this? How can I change this? (Don’t look for the answers, just say the question and be willing to receive whatever comes from that without expectation.)

Example 2: You need to choose between two jobs

One job may look better on paper and one may require a pay cut. The mind will try to figure out the pros and cons and project future possible outcomes of your choice and then try to make the “right” decision, which creates a huge amount of stress and pressure. If you simply ask a question you can gain new awareness about what is true for you.

When choosing between these two jobs simply ask: What will my life be like in 5 years if I take job A? Notice the energy that comes up. Does it feel light or heavy?

Then ask: What will my life be like in 5 years if I take job B? Notice if it feels light or heavy.

Light means true for you. Heavy means it’s not for you at this time.

The more you get out of your head and ask questions and allow your own awareness to open up, the more you will move through life in your own integrity and authenticity because you will be less likely to do things to please others, because it is expected of you, or remain stuck due to indecision.

Use the light or heavy tool and have some fun playing with this! Ask my favourite question: What else is possible? as often as you can, you just never know what might show up!

Keryn Lee Stevens is a Theta Healing Practitioner, Access Bars Facilitator and Empowerment Teacher. Visit her website at

More information about Access Consciousness is available at their website

You can learn more about Access Consciousness tools (and the wonderful Access Bars modality) in the one day Access Bars Workshops. See my website for dates.

Beyond Your Barriers

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Have you ever wanted to change something in your life and found yourself giving up because whatever you are doing doesn’t seem to be working?

In an article I posted in January called “Creating Change” I spoke about how my life was becoming rather mediocre and I made a choice to change this. It required letting go of everything that was familiar to me so that I could create something new.

It was challenging at times yet everything moved along steadily for a few months. I made choices about what I wanted my life to look like and I let go of anything that didn’t resonate with this. After a while things began to slow down, worked dropped off and I began to question myself.

This is the point where many people give up, where they say “It wasn’t meant to be”, where they make themselves wrong and then scurry back to their comfort zones. What they don’t realise is that this is simply “the Universe” checking in and asking if this is still what they truly desire.

Let me give you an example: I have recently had the wonderful opportunity to experience Equus Coaching with a friend of mine. I stood in the middle of a round pen with a horse with no bridle, halter or saddle. My job was to get the horse moving or doing whatever I desired without touching the animal – simply by being present in my body, connecting with the animal and directing the energy. Once the horse is moving around the pen and the energy is flowing between us, there is a moment where you think “Yay, it’s working!” and as this happens you disconnect and then the horses ears start to flicker. This is where he feels a shift in your energy and he is now asking “Do you want me to keep doing this or shall I stop?” He’s checking in to see if this is what you really want.

Do you see the correlation here? You have to keep the energy flowing and maintain your focus. It’s easy for us to get excited about changing something in our lives and take that first step, but we have to keep the momentum going (energetically). This requires us to step beyond our comfort zones which feels different and a bit uncomfortable so we go into fear and doubt which causes the energy to contract and thus the momentum wanes. This is where we wonder if it’s ‘working’, we question our choices etc. This exact moment is the pivotal point of what you are creating. It’s where you really step out of the comfort zone, where you go beyond the barriers – or where you slip back into what was.

In my own life, as things began to wane I checked in with the energy. Is this still what I desire? Well, I still wanted to expand and go beyond anything I had previously created with my healing work and my business, and I knew there was no way I could go back. So it was forward into the unknown. It was make or break.

What followed was one of the most monumental experiences of my life. I had to face my fears and go beyond the judgments of others in a rather public way and the only way through this for me was to be 100% true to myself. The energy shifted and things began to flow with such a rush that I was giddy with excitement for weeks and the fun has not stopped. (And some of you may recall that in the first article “Creating Change” I spoke about creating more FUN in my life!)

One of the things I did when facing my fears etc was to notice everything that was happening in my body, notice any fears and doubts, and clear everything that came up. To do this I used some Access Consciousness tools and I thought I would share a couple with you:

Light or Heavy

This is where you ask a question, feel the energy that comes up, and then notice whether it is light or heavy. If it is light and spacious it means it is true for you and heavy or twisted it means it is not true for you.

You can use this when deciding between two options or whether to go somewhere, or how much to charge for your services etc. If it’s light then its right for you in this moment, if it’s heavy then it may not be for you right now, or you may need to clear some “baggage” first then ask again.

Is it yours?

Another Access Consciousness tool comes from knowing that 98% of your thoughts, feelings, emotions etc are not even yours. We are extremely psychic – yes, all of us – and we pick up on everything that is going on from the people around us. So when you feel fear, pain, doubt, depression or anything at all, the first question to ask is,“Is this mine?”

You may feel the energy shift, it may feel lighter or you may have an awareness about who the energy belongs to. If it’s not yours you can simply return it to sender with consciousness attached. You don’t have to carry it around and react to it any longer. (These tools and much more are part of the Beyond Barriers workshop.)

Remember that everything is energy and energy can be changed, transformed, transmuted, created and uncreated. Any barrier that is preventing you from getting to that pivotal point in your life and stepping beyond it is just energy and can be changed. Are you ready for change?

Keryn Lee is an Access Consciousness Facilitator, Theta Healing Practitioner and Empowerment Teacher. Classes, workshops, healing and private sessions are available by visiting her website.

It wasn’t meant to be – or was it?


When things don’t turn out the way we desire a very common expression is to say “it wasn’t meant to be” and, I admit, in the past this phrase used to freely roll off my tongue like the slippery little lie that it is.  Yet, what are we actually saying when we utter these words?

I see this statement as a way of pretending that you are less than you are and that you don’t have the ability to create what you truly desire.  It’s an excuse to sink into a state of lack of awareness and diminish your greatness.

Here’s the thing – you are an infinite being, therefore:

  • If you desire it, then have it.
  • If you desire to do it, then do it.
  • If you desire to be it, then be it.

YOU create the possibilities for yourself, not the universe or god or some other being. To think otherwise is to give away your power.

Instead of saying “it wasn’t meant to be” ask yourself if you truly wanted it in the first place.

If not, then acknowledge that. Be honest and admit that you chose not to create that right now. Stop lying to yourself and pretending that something else is directing your life and that you have no say. (You’re an infinite being remember!)

If you did truly want something and it did not turn out the way you desired then shift from victimhood (it wasn’t meant to be) to empowerment (I’m having this! I don’t know how yet, but I’m having it). Then start asking questions – What else is possible? How can I change this? What awareness can I have about this? What would it take for me to have this?

In Access Consciousness we call this “Being in the Question”. You are inviting the universe to respond to your request and you will find that new awarenesses and possibilities start to show up.

Asking questions does not mean that you must then seek answers. This will get you caught up in the mind and will limit your possibilities. Stay in the energy of the question.

Another aspect of the statement “it wasn’t meant to be” is when we desire something but are not willing to step beyond our comfort zones to get it. It’s an easy excuse to say “it wasn’t meant to be” and then give up because change seems too daunting.

Every time you hear yourself say “it wasn’t meant to be” stop and consider the lie you just told yourself and tune in to your actual truth.

  • Did you really want it?
  • Did it just appear different than you expected?
  • Were you unwilling to step beyond your comfort zone in order to have it?

The more you catch yourself saying “it wasn’t meant to be” the more you can choose to eliminate this victim statement from your vocabulary and become more aware and empowered in your daily life.

Keryn Lee is an Access Bars Facilitator, Theta Healing Practitioner, Tarot Reader and Empowerment Teacher. Visit her website for more information about her sessions and classes or contact her on 0408 857 620 or

More information about Access Consciousness is also available at 

Creating Change


I’m just curious . . . have you ever woken up and felt unexcited about the day ahead, that life was somewhat mundane and beginning to feel like “same shit, different day”?

I found a way out of this mediocrity that is simple and effective and anyone can do it . . . would it be ok if I share this with you?

This ‘mediocrity’ was me for a while last year, and it was winter as well which didn’t help – coldness is truly not my thing – and though I was generally happy and doing the work I love, I was, well, bored. I wasn’t waking up every day EXCITED to be alive!

So, what was missing here?

I did the usual human thing and tried to ‘figure it all out’, which just hurt my brain and got me nowhere – you’ve tried that yourself, right? It just leads to more frustration. I also used some of the tools that I have used and taught for the past decade, only this time they had no potency and just weren’t working as well as they had in the past. (I didn’t see it at the time, but this happened at one other time in my life when I was going through a massive change and the old was falling away to allow space for something new – which is funny now, not so much then.)

One day, in anger and frustration, I said, “Do I even want to be here anymore?” I felt into that and knew with absolute certainty that I did. So I said, “Fine, but I’m damn well not staying if I’m not having fun!” And now, as I look back, I realise that it was in that moment that everything began to change.

I made a choice (to be here and have fun) and then I took action by doing something different (I began to expand my business by working in the city). No matter what showed up (fears and doubts) I made a commitment to myself that I would do whatever it takes to change my reality. And then the magic really began.

It started in small ways and as I began to ‘follow the energy’ I got more and more excited, amazing possibilities began appear and I was definately no longer bored!

Along the way I had to let go of what was familiar and comfortable to allow the space to create something new – only this time it was all about my work rather than my personal life.

If you want something different in your
life you have to be willing to STEP UP
and be MORE than you have previously
allowed yourself to be.

The healing work that I truly love so much began to expand into new areas and I let go of things that no longer resonated with me. Everything began to change, including my prices – yes, again – because I had to be willing to step into a new paradigm. I had to BE the change that I wanted to inspire in others.

As many of you may know, I stopped doing Tarot readings, I changed my website and discarded my entire range of workshops – with deep gratitude for all the amazing experiences created over the past decade – and I am now generating and creating something entirely new.

All of this invites each of you to create a shift in your own life and join me in this new adventure. Are you ready to step up and become more than you have previously allowed yourself to be?

Amid the quiet chaos of the past few months I learned that anything is truly possible. Change is still in progress yet there is so much ease and joy and clarity, and I now have some amazing new tools that are opening up a world of possibilities.

So, perhaps my story will inpsire you to consider making a change in your own life. It is not as difficult as it may seem, it just requires a few simple tools and your willingness to use them.

Listed below are a few insights that were gleaned from my experience of change over the past months, and I would like to invite each of you to join me in a Free Webinar where we will go deeper into these insights and give you the opportunity to ask questions and clear some blocks in your own life.

  • Make a choice to live – not just to survive. There is a difference.
  • Make a demand of yourself by acknowledging that “This shit just doesn’t cut it any more, I’m having something different!” And truly mean it. (Just saying the words won’t conjure your fairy Godmother.)
  • Be willing to let go of your comfort zones – because there really is nothing comfortable about them at all, they are glorified prisons.
  • Be willing to DO WHATEVER IT TAKES to change your reality. (If you’re WAITING for change, grab a good book because it will be a long wait.)
  • When you create a space for MORE in your life, be aware that fear and doubt will try to pull you back into the past. Kick them out, they are total party-poopers and you are an infinite being!
  • And there is ONE THING that is the KEY to getting all of this to work really well for you, and I will be sharing what that is during the webinar.

Dear friends . . . what would it take for you to be the infinite contribution that you truly be?

What else is possible in your life that you haven’t even thought of yet?

Need a little help getting started? As well as the Webinar, I offer Private Facilitation, Access Bars, Theta Healing and the new workshops and classes that will be coming soon. If you want change, start today!

I would also like to acknowledge Access Consciousness. After making a demand for my life to change, it was some of their tools that showed up and assisted me as I raised the bar in my own life. You can find out more at their website

For more information contact Keryn on 0408 857 620 or or go to

Is that ‘Poverty Consciousness’ you’re wearing?


Do you worry over bills and expenses? Do you complain over the price of items you wish to buy? Do you believe that you have a limited amount of money to spend each week? Do you try to figure out how to find more work or a better paying job or some other effort that will bring in more money? Do you feel helpless to change your money situation?

Welcome to poverty consciousness.

It’s a game that we play with ourselves; much like an actor puts on a costume to assume a role for a movie. The difference is that that actor knows that it is not real. Humans, however, forget that they have taken on a role and continue to wear “poverty consciousness” as if they have no other choice.

Let me ask you this: are you an infinite being, a creator being, a divine soul? (Or whatever terminology you choose to use) Most people reading this would say yes. They have some awareness of themselves as being more than just a physical body. So would it not be correct to assume that as infinite beings we are limitless and . . . infinite. . . and therefore abundant? Our true nature is expansive and open and free. Yes?

That being so, then everywhere we create limitation we are shutting out who we truly are and we are assuming a role of restriction and therefore diminishing our greatness.

Poverty consciousness is not who you are. You are infinite.

Have you had enough of poverty consciousness? Have you had enough of lack and limitation? Are you willing to allow yourself to RECEIVE all of the abundance and love and joy and freedom that you desire?

Are you willing to honour yourself by paying whatever price necessary to have something you desire that will truly contribute to your life – without judging the price as high or low? Are you willing to let go of the lies that tell you that you must work harder to create more money? Are you willing to let go of the belief systems that put you into fear of your bills and expenses?

You can do this by starting each day with a question:

  • What else is possible?
  • What would it take for more money to show up?
  • What do I need to perceive, know, be or receive that will allow me to have total clarity and ease with money?
  • What will it take for me to receive different than I have before?

Don’t try to answer these questions. You are simply communicating to the universe your request for more possibilities. (Questions open up the energy, seeking answers shuts down the energy.)

Choose any question above, or all of them, and start saying them every day to open doorways that you have not yet been able to perceive because you were wearing your poverty consciousness coat and thought that reality was the only one available to you.

Playing with these questions will start to shift energy in your life. And what happens when we shift energy? CHANGE! So be ready to follow the energy, to act on what comes up and to do something different. Going into fear and refusing to change will simply bring you more of what you already have – and you’re done with that, right?

Remember, that 98% of the beliefs that you have about money are not even yours. You learned them from the people and the world around you as you grew up. Are you ready to let them go? Are you ready to take off that “poverty consciousness” costume and begin to honour yourself and receive the vast abundance that is waiting for you right now?

“Being in the Question” is a tool that comes from Access Consciousness. You can visit their website at Access Bars sessions are also a great way to release these belief systems and learn tools to enhance your life. Contact Keryn to book a session. 0408 857 620

Show me the Magic!

magicIn our society we are taught to think of magic as a trick or illusion, as something extra-ordinary instead of a normal part of our everyday lives. If we consider that we are Infinite Beings, far more than just a human body, should it not be a natural state of being for us to create magic and awesomeness in our lives – everyday?

Absolutely! And where we get stuck is in the way we go about creating – from a place of limitation, judgement and a lack of belief in ourselves.

Gary Douglas, the founder of Access Consciousness, says “You have everything in your life that you have asked for and been willing to receive”. Read that statement again and allow yourself to feel into the essence of those words.

If you have asked for something and don’t have it, then your personal limitations and belief systems have prevented you from allowing it into your life.

One of the biggest problems is our judgements and expectations. The first thing most people do when we wake up in the morning is make a judgement (good or bad) about ourselves or our lives: I feel sick, I don’t want to go to work, I can’t wait to meet my friends today, I feel healthy or I feel depressed. All of these are judgements.

When we say or think such thoughts we OWN this point of view and make it more solid and real and then we continue to ACT out our current perception of sick, tired, happy or depressed because we just bought into that reality. And this solidness, this fixed reality, does not allow for the unlimited potentials that are also available to you.

Even if you wake up excited and happy, you still have an expectation and judgement about what that means which automatically limits it. You might have a fun or interesting day but it won’t necessarily be MAGIC – and wouldn’t it be great if that magic was part of your everyday life?

What if you woke up each morning and simply said, “How does it get any better than this?” This question (that comes from Access Consciousness) offers no judgement about your current circumstances yet creates a space for MORE.

In asking a question you are inviting the universe to answer. And the universe WILL answer – whether it takes seconds, hours, days, or even lifetimes because YOU just set the energy in motion.

Saying “I want more money”, or “I don’t want to feel depressed” will not invite the universe to respond, you will just end up with more of what you have.

Instead you might say, “What would it take for more money to show up?” or “What would it take to allow joy into my life”.

Do you feel the difference in the energy of these questions?

Asking questions can be done as often as you like throughout your day to keep expanding your current reality and allowing access to unlimited potentials. Remember, that this can bring change! So be prepared to step out of your current reality and be ready to receive!

Keryn Lee is an Access Bars Facilitator, Theta Healing Practitioner and Empowerment Teacher. Visit her website for more information about her sessions and classes or contact her on 0408 857 620 or

More information about Access Consciousness is also available at 

Tarot Readings for Personal Empowerment

shuffleIt is often expected that Tarot readings are solely about predicting future events which can be daunting if there are fears and doubts about one’s future, and disempowering if a person simply expects a Tarot reader to tell them what to do.

To me, the Tarot is a wonderful tool for healing and transformation. It is a visual depiction of various elements of a client’s life that can be used to discover what lies beneath the greatest challenges and what potentials are available to create the best outcomes.

A Tarot reading is a road map based on your life, a Tarot reader is your travel guide, but YOU always remain the driver.

A good Tarot reading should empower you to make choices based on the information revealed. You are invited to see the pitfalls and potholes before you reach them and envision possibilities that you may not have previously imagined.

Remember, that nothing is ever set in stone. Too often people hold desperately to a belief in “destiny” and then WAIT . . . and wait . . . . and wait . . . for the Universe/God/Angels etc to provide them with a better job or a loving relationship or improve their lives. In doing so, you are failing to acknowledge yourself as a creator being who has the tools, the freewill and the ability to create all that you desire.

Therefore, on this roadmap we call a Tarot reading, you get to see where you are right now, what has lead you to this point, and where you can get to from here. With this information, all is required is that you take a step toward your desired destination. One step can truly change your reality.

Are you disempowering yourself by WAITING for destiny to fix your life, or are you ready to be empowered and CREATE your own destiny?

*** Call to book your reading with Keryn. 0408 857 620

Judging Others – are those thoughts really yours?

energy fieldMost people reading this will have an awareness of themselves as the divine being that they are to some degree, and that they are existing in a human body in a dense reality that we call earth. At this point of awareness most people will seek to have love and compassion for others and see beyond human judgements.

So why then, do so many of us still find ourselves judging others? Why do we get that random thought that someone is “too fat” or “looks mean” or “too lazy” or whatever the thought may be, and then wonder, “Why did I think that?”

Did you ever stop to consider that those thoughts or judgements are not yours?

To explain that question I invite you to do this:

Take a deep breath and feel your spirit/beingness. Feel how big it is? Does it extend beyond your physical body?

Yes, of course it does. You are much more than just a physical body.

Now expand your awareness out about 5 metres. Is your spirit/beingness still in that space?


Do it again. Expand your awareness out about 100 metres, then 1000, then beyond your country, beyond the planet and so on. Are you still there? Is your spirit so expansive and connected that you are part of all things?


So is it not understandable then that you would naturally pick up on thoughts and feelings and beliefs that other people have?

We are all “psychic”. We all have the ability to sense who will be on the phone before it rings, or sense when someone is angry or sad without them telling you. We are sensual, feeling beings and this is a natural ability.

What is actually happening when you find these random judgements coming into your mind is that you are picking up on the beliefs and judgements that that person has about themselves. They are projecting “I’m not good enough”, “I’m too tall”, “I don’t have enough money” and so on. And we pick up on that thought and think that it’s our judgement of them.

We think that if something is in our head it is ours.

I invite you to alter this point of view.

Notice when you have random judgements of others. Send the thought back to them (its origin) and acknowledge them as the divine being that they are. It is their responsibility to deal with that energy, and by seeing them as they really are, beyond the physical body, you offer them a new potential of awareness that they can tap into.

This is a more honouring way to help others. Not by trying to save them or forcing them to change.

If you are someone who berates yourself for having judgemental thoughts when you think you should know better, you will now be able to see this from a different perspective.

For more information on this and ways to clear these energies contact Keryn on 0408 857 620 or

Keryn’s classes, workshops and private sessions inspire others to become more empowered in their lives.